
Sparkling, the tree boughs,
in an insatiable evanescence,
a luminescent love learned from a fiery cousin,
burned beyond desire to a dreamy consciousness.
Filtered through singular stones,
it teases the watercrests and thus intensifies upon impact.
This beam of starry origin, your eyes reflect, your kiss sweetens,
and a shaft quivers in my heart a moment, melted by curiosity.
A look, a trance; a movement bends the shade,
lost in a realm inquisitive, littered by broken promises.
It defines a path resistant to impression, vulnerable to influence,
returning to an inside haven where time passes quickly or not at all.
This place is abundant with tireless moonlight, frequented by hazy,
sunny afternoons that express the superimposed symbolism of a deeper love.

� Caleb Andrew Walser 1997-2002